January 04, 2022

Tens of thousands of people from North Aceh, East Aceh, Aceh Tamiang to the city of Langsa had to evacuate the homes of relatives and Meunasah, due to the flood that occurred on 31/12/2021. Let's send help to lighten our brother's sorrow.

Rain with high intensity has flushed several areas in Aceh since Friday (31/12) and caused floods. Floods hit 4 cities/regencies in Aceh, including Aceh Tamiang, East Aceh, Langsa City and North Aceh. It was recorded that tens of thousands of brothers fled to safer places and needed help. This flood event happened so fast that many things were not saved.

The flood disaster caused houses, mosques, shops, buildings to bridges to be destroyed due to the heavy brunt of the flood. The Emergency Response team also moved quickly, evacuating with improvised tools, and the community also helped each other in the evacuation process for residents as well as property that was considered important.

Currently, the urgent needs include: Fast Food, Drinking Water, Equipment for women and babies, Tents & Blankets, Medical Assistance, Medicines, Hygiene Kits and other Logistics. 

Currently the residents there are still on standby, because the weather conditions are still changing, and they are worried that the water may overflow again at any time.

Now, help our brothers and sisters who are awake in the middle of the flood. Hold tightly the wrinkles of his fingers with your best Alms.


Puluhan ribu Masyarakat Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur, Aceh Tamiang hingga kota Langsa harus mengungsi kerumah-rumah sanak saudara dan Meunasah, akibat Banjir yang terjadi pada 31/12/2021. Mari kirimkan bantuan untuk ringankan duka saudara kita.

Curah Hujan dengan intensitas tinggi mengguyur beberapa wilayah di Aceh sejak Jum’at (31/12) dan menyebabkan Banjir. Banjir melanda 4 kota/Kabupaten di Aceh , diantaranya Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Timur, Kota Langsa dan Aceh Utara. 

Terdata puluhan ribu saudara mengungsi ketempat lebih Aman dan membutuhkan bantuan. Peristiwa banjir ini terjadi begitu cepat sehingga banyak harta benda yang tidak terselamatkan.

Bencana banjir tersebut menyebabkan rumah, masjid, pertokoan, bangunan hingga jembatan pun ikut hancur akibat derasnya terjangan banjir.

Tim Emergency Response juga bergerak cepat, melakukan evakuasi dengan alat seadanya, dan masyarakat juga ikut saling membantu untuk proses evakuasi warga juga harta benda yang dianggap penting.

Saat ini, kebutuhan yang sangat mendesak di antaranya: Makanan Siap Saji, Air Minum, Perlengkapan kebutuhan perempuan dan Bayi, Tenda & Selimut, Bantuan Medis, Obat-obatan, Hygiene Kit dan Logistik lainnya. 

Saat ini warga di sana masih bersiaga, karena kondisi cuaca yang masih berubah-ubah, dan khawatir sewaktu-waktu air dapat meluap kembali.

Kini, bantu Saudara-saudara kita yang terjaga di tengah banjir. Genggam erat keriput jemarinya dengan Sedekah terbaikmu.
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