December 25, 2021

Dalam rangka memperingati 17 tahun gempa dan tsunami, organisasi kewartawanan Pewarta Foto Indonesia (PFI) Aceh menggelar pameran foto bertajuk “Tsunami Pandemi” pada 25-26 Desember 2021.

Kegiatan tersebut dipusatkan di lokasi berbeda selama dua hari, yakni di situs tsunami Kapal di Atas Rumah dan di Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue pada Minggu, 26 Desember 2021.

Ketua PFI Aceh, Bedu Saini, menyebutkan, kegiatan ini merupakan agenda tahunan organisasi jurnalis foto di Tanah Rencong.

Saban tahun, pihaknya kerap memamerkan karya hasil bidikan anggota pewarta foto yang tersebar di wilayah Aceh.

Pihaknya sengaja mengambil tema ‘Tsunami Pandemi’, untuk mengingatkan kepada pengunjung bahwa pandemi Covid-19 belum berakhir. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat diminta tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang ketat.

“Pameran ini untuk mengingatkan kita untuk ‘tidak lupa’ dengan kejadian yang meluluhlantakkan Aceh, kegiatan ini juga mengingatkan kita tentang bahayanya Covid-19 yang melanda dua tahun terakhir," kata Bedu Saini, Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021.

Ketua Panitia, Eko Deni Saputra menyebutkan bahwa foto yang ditampilkan sebanyak 71 foto. 17 di antaranya merupakan foto pasca tsunami karya Bedu Saini dan M. Anshar.

“Khusus 17 foto di Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue merupakan karya Bedu Saidi terkait gempa dan tsunami 2004 silam, sengaja dipamerkan 17 foto karena tahun ini kita memperingati 17 tahun tsunami,” katanya.

Sedangkan di situs tsunami Boat Atas Rumah Lampulo, lanjut Eko, 54 foto yang dipamerkan adalah mengenai penanganan atau pencegahan Covid-19 di Aceh.

“Foto-foto yang dipamerkan itu hasil karya anggota PFI Aceh yang bertugas di berbagai media, baik lokal, nasional dan internasional,” ungkap Eko yang juga menjabat sebagai Sekretaris PFI Aceh.

Eko menambahkan, pihaknya berterima kasih kepada sejumlah pihak yang turut mendukung kegiatan pameran foto tersebut. Para pihak ini merupakan mitra PFI Aceh.

“Terima kasih kepada Pertamina Patra Niaga, Bank Indonesia Aceh, Bank Syariah Aceh, Sahabat BS, Medco Energi, RAPI Kota Banda Aceh, Leuser Coffee, Joel Bungalow, Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19, dan Dinas Pariwisata Banda Aceh, yang sudah turut mensupport pameran foto ini. Semoga kerja sama yang sudah terjalin selama ini bisa terus kita perkuat,” ucap Eko.

Selain pameran foto, tambahnya, di lokasi tersebut pada Sabtu malam, 25 Desember, juga akan dilakukan “Doa Bersama Mengenang Sahabat” untuk para jurnalis yang menjadi korban gempa dan tsunami 2004 silam.

"Kegiatan ini inisiatif dari lintas organisasi pers di Aceh seperti AJI, IJTI, PWI, dan PFI. Kepanitiannya kita laksanakan secara bersama," ungkap Eko.


In commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami, the Indonesian Photojournalist (PFI) Aceh journalistic organization held a photo exhibition entitled "Tsunami Pandemic" on December 25-26, 2021.

The activity was centered in different locations for two days, namely at the Ship Above the House tsunami site and at Ulee Lheue Harbor on Sunday, December 26, 2021.

The head of PFI Aceh, Bedu Saini, said that this activity was an annual agenda for the photojournalist organization in Tanah Rencong.

Every year, his party often exhibits the work shot by photojournalists scattered throughout the Aceh region.

His party deliberately took the theme 'Tsunami Pandemic', to remind visitors that the Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. Therefore, the public is asked to continue to adhere to strict health protocols.

"This exhibition is to remind us to 'not forget' the events that devastated Aceh, this activity also reminds us of the dangers of Covid-19 that hit the last two years," said Bedu Saini, Saturday, December 25, 2021.

The chairman of the committee, Eko Deni Saputra, said that the photos displayed were 71 photos. 17 of them are post-tsunami photos by Bedu Saini and M. Anshar.

"Especially the 17 photos at Ulee Lheue Harbor are the work of Bedu Saidi related to the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, 17 photos are deliberately exhibited because this year we are commemorating the 17th anniversary of the tsunami," he said.

Meanwhile, on the Boat Atas Rumah Lampulo tsunami site, continued Eko, the 54 photos on display are about the handling or prevention of Covid-19 in Aceh.

"The photos on display are the work of PFI Aceh members who work in various media, both local, national and international," said Eko, who also serves as Secretary of PFI Aceh.

Eko added that his party is grateful to a number of parties who have supported the photo exhibition. These parties are PFI Aceh partners.

"Thanks to Pertamina Patra Niaga, Bank Indonesia Aceh, Aceh Sharia Bank, Sahabat BS, Medco Energi, RAPI Banda Aceh City, Leuser Coffee, Joel Bungalow, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19, and the Banda Aceh Tourism Office, who have participated support this photo exhibition. Hopefully we can continue to strengthen the cooperation that has been established so far," said Eko.

In addition to the photo exhibition, he added, at the location on Saturday night, December 25, there will also be a "Joint Prayer in Remembrance of Friends" for journalists who were victims of the 2004 earthquake and tsunami.

"This activity is an initiative of cross-press organizations in Aceh such as AJI, IJTI, PWI, and PFI. We carry out the committee together," said Eko.

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